About Damjan Savic

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So far Damjan Savic has created 38 blog entries.

Why Good to Have Google My Business for Your Website & Business?

If you want to make your online business success these days, you need a website. However, a website will just be the first step in getting customers through the internet. There are various tactics you can follow for online marketing. The aim of all of those tactics is generally to get customers to step in […]

2018-04-26T19:54:54+10:00 28th September 2016|Tags: , , , |

Bring your website to the top of search engines

Search engine optimisation is considered as one of the most important factors in Internet Marketing. Anybody, who wants to highlight his business by means of his website, would like to see his website on the top-ranking positions, across the vivid search engine sites.

SEO Sydney The first step to make this dream come true would be […]

2018-04-26T19:54:54+10:00 27th April 2015|

Factors that affect the cost of website design and web development

What Are Factors Which Effects The Estimation of The cost of Website Design?

A few years before, only the big business houses were privileged of having their own websites. On the contrary, the technological advancement and cut-throat competition is hard to be handled without the help of Company’s website. The role of web designer has become […]

2018-04-26T19:54:55+10:00 27th April 2015|

How to resize photos for e-mail and web sites

These day’s digital cameras shoot large sized photos. This can be very frustrating when we want to send more pictures to a friend via e-mail or for example upload our birthday’s party photo album to facebook profile. Digital cameras shoot photos of size about 2 MB to 5 MB, of course we are talking about […]

2018-04-26T19:54:55+10:00 27th April 2015|

How to create article in Joomla CMS

Welcome to our tutorial “How to create article in Joomla CMS”. What is Joomla? Joomla is free open source content management system. A content management system (CMS) is a platform used to easily control the content of a web site. With Joomla CMS you can easily make a new web site page, with content such […]

2018-04-26T19:54:55+10:00 27th April 2015|
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